Sunday, February 23, 2014

Discussing the Upcoming Credit Union Oral History Tour on Cooperative Vermont

Saturday, February 22, 2014

1956 - Credit Union Democracy Cartoon

A cartoon addressing the perennial credit union challenge of member participation in governance from the January 1956 issue of the Bridge:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Coming African American Oral History Tour!

Watch out, dear reader, this blog is about to get quite active! Last week I finished up at my day-job and, to celebrate, I will be embarking on a journey through the South to conduct oral history interviews with African American credit union elders. My trip will start in New Orleans at the beginning of March, and will then proceed through Mississippi, Alabama, Atlanta, North Carolina, Richmond, Va., and Washington D.C. I've already obtained some good leads for interviewees, but if anyone has suggestions as to people to at to my itinerary, please get in touch!

My plan is to take video of the interviews and, after some light editing, post the videos to my Youtube channel. I will also try to write a short summary of my experience at each of my stops which, along with embedded video, will be posted on this site.

Finally, while I'm going to be doing everything I can to minimize expenses, this project will cost some money, so if you are interested in the topic and could kick in a few dollars towards train fare, etc., you can visit the crowd-funding page here and Bitcoin donations can be sent here: 16uLVGBZk45UEmTKYhdqWaviE5zJKA12R4
