As I've been recently busting my butt getting
Cooperative Vermont (a cross-sector initiative) off the ground, Credit Union History has been back-burnered as of late. However, in the last few months there have been some interesting credit union history related developments, so I figured I'd throw out a few quick updates:
- Paul Thompson's new book on recent credit union history is out! I reviewed the manuscript a little while back, and the final product is a solid work of history that should be on the reading list of every American credit union board member and employee.
- Jeff Hardin has started a project looking into the history of African American credit unionism in North Carolina. Check out this CUiNsight post for more info.
- "The American Credit Union Industry Still Embodies Its Founding Values" by Stuart Levine is an interesting essay that draws a strong connection between an understanding of CU history and the movement's present values.
As for this site, one of my goals for the summer is to really delve into the pile of old issues of the Credit Union Bridge that have been occupying my book-shelf, so stay tuned for any gems that might turn up... :)